Shocking video footage shows British peacekeepers being beaten and shoved in a brutal brawl by Turkish Cypriots who had bulldozed UN vehicles out of the way during unauthorised construction work in ethnically-divided Cyprus.
Dramatic video shows the British soldiers being punched in the head, kicked to the ground and shoved by the mob of Turkish Cypriots in a violent scene.
As the peacekeepers try and move backwards with their hands raised in an effort to protect themselves, they are met with blows to their heads and bodies. The attack left three British soldiers needing medical attention in hospital, one for a broken nose.
The attack occurred on Friday when peacekeepers parked cars and linked arms to prevent Turkish Cypriot crews from building an unauthorised road through a UN-managed buffer zone in eastern Cyprus, which runs for 120 miles.
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Greek Cypriots perceive the road construction, which would link the mixed Greek Cypriot-Turkish Cypriot village of Pyla with the village of Arsos in the breakaway Turkish Cypriot North, as a move with a military purpose at a sensitive spot along the buffer zone.
Continue here: Daily Mail
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