The SYRIZA Parliamentary Group will meet tomorrow at 6 PM. This will be their first meeting since the summer recess, which began on the day Pavlos Polakis was expelled from the party.
According to reports, Stefanos Kasselakis is expected to participate in the meeting online, although there is still a possibility he may return to Athens to attend in person.
Officially, the meeting will focus on planning for the upcoming parliamentary session. During today’s briefing, there was no update from Koumoundourou on the parliamentary group meeting. Kasselakis currently remains in Chania for personal reasons, including preparations for his upcoming wedding to Tyler Macbeth, but all options are still open.
Earlier, Kasselakis addressed the issue of the current public discourse within SYRIZA, urging members to lower tensions and criticize online harassment. He condemned any form of bullying, whether online or in-person and emphasized the importance of maintaining respectful discourse.
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