The council downgraded the initial felony charge of grievous bodily harm, related to the assault on his wife, Sofia Polyzogopoulou, to a misdemeanor—specifically, intentional domestic endangerment causing bodily harm. As a result, Lytras will now be tried in a Single-Member Misdemeanor Court rather than a Mixed Jury Court.
The conditions imposed on Lytras for his release include:
- A ban on approaching his wife or her residence within a distance of 100 meters.
- A ban on direct or indirect communication with her through any means, except for matters concerning their minor child, which must be handled via lawyers.
Furthermore, any exchange of the child between the parents must take place outside the police station near Polyzogopoulou’s residence, and Lytras is prohibited from speaking to any person accompanying the child during these exchanges.
Lytras has also been ordered to participate in a counseling and therapy program at the National Solidarity Center.
Sofia Polyzogopoulou had also requested his conditional release, citing reasons related to Lytras’ communication with their daughter. However, she made it clear in her statement that she would continue to support the charges against her estranged husband and repeat her accusations before any relevant authority if needed.
Lytras was initially imprisoned in June after brutally assaulting his wife, a fellow lawyer. After his initial release under conditions, he was re-arrested for violating the restriction on contact with the victim. He spent approximately 2.5 months in prison, first in Korydallos and later in Corinth.