Many new testimonies from family and friends of Eirini Mourtzouko, surfaced yesterday, while in her statements, the woman from Amalia fell into many contradictions and appeared to be embarrassed.
The testimonies aired by the investigation series “Light at the Tunnel” (“Fos sto Tounel”) highlighted the manipulative and distorting character of the 24-year-old, who did not hesitate to show photos of dead children to her friends and upload them on social media. The lawyer of Irini’s best man who had inexplicably lost her infant when she was looking after him, presented to the Patras prosecutor’s office some such photos, which Irene had taken with her mobile phone. These shocking documents depicted Katerina’s baby, with the most chilling one showing the child dead inside the house.
At the same time, shock was caused by an audio document that was presented which concerned a minor who was in a relationship with Irene three years ago and was in trouble. In the audio document, one girl can be heard calling 911 to ask for help and the other threatening her, yelling at her to hang up the phone and hitting her.
Among other things, the following dialogue is heard:
-Now I’m calling 911, I’ll tell you. I’m going to lock you up today.
– Close. You’ll regret it.
– I don’t regret anything.
-Turn it off! Turn it off!
Irene’s embarrassment and contradictions
Irini Mourtzoukou was asked by the show “Light at the Tunnel” to give convincing answers to all the reasonable questions that have arisen, but in several cases she could not hide her embarrassment, often giving contradictory answers. She claimed that she has been targeted and that everything they say about her is a lie. She alleged that at the hospital, police officers asked her friend and the mother of the child to “set up” a joint statement about her sole responsibility for Panagiotis’ death.
As for the photo of the dead child, while she initially said that she did not have it in her possession, she then said that someone probably sent it to her and accidentally leaked it online.
“Little girl put a pillow over her sister’s face and took her breath away…”
“She lived poorly at her parents’ home in Megara. She was a very, very difficult child. Her dad was a great man and father and although he is not her biological father, he raised her as his child,” a person from Irene’s close family told Tunnel.
“I know it from the inside, but I want everyone else to speak up. As soon as I saw Irene on your show, I remembered everything. I remember Gogo her sister when she was a baby. We used to catch her in the chuck because she would put a pillow over her face or her hand between her nose and mouth. We had told her parents to take her to a psychiatrist, to get her some help, but that never happened. She would have been close to six at the time; we had tested it too many times and with her grandmother the concubine. We would leave her alone for a while to see what she would do and she would go straight to the baby. She would take the pillow and cover her up to deprive her of oxygen. She did it without hesitation. When Gogo reached five years old, he stopped,” she says.
Irene, annoyed at the family person, replied that his claims were not valid. “The pressure is on me to come out now and say when I did the things he is accusing me of,” she said, adding that her parents had taken her to a psychologist. She also stressed once again that she has never hurt any child.
Photos of the dead infants
A new testimony reveals a lot about Irini Mourtzoukou and the second infant who went missing on October 17, 2023. “In a group chat, they had sent a photo showing the child in the ambulance and they had put what looks like a curtain over it. The tragic incident happened on the evening of September 14 and the next day it was announced with this photo. It was put up on a story by her then-girlfriend who was with her and also on Tick Tock and they were writing these messages that I have kept.”

“At the time we said it might be something inherited in the child. I knew Irini and Poppy and her own family but we weren’t friends. Irene had had a fight with Poppy and her mother after Panagiotis’ death and had gone away for a while. They told me this one day when I ran into them on the street and they had all told me at the time that they too believed Irene had put her hand in…” she concludes.
“Who was taking pictures of my Panagiotakis dead?”
“The night before I was at the house too. I had taken him in my arms and we were playing. I had heard about vomiting but they didn’t tell me anything more, otherwise, I would have taken him directly to the doctor. The morning I left for work everyone was sleeping normally. Later my fiancée called me and told me something was wrong with the kid. I left to go see what was wrong. I saw the kid shaking his hand a little. It took us three minutes to get to the hospital,” says the unfortunate infant’s grandfather.
As he told the show, he cannot blame anyone and all he cares about is finding out what has happened to his grandchild because he was healthy. “I can’t understand how one day he can be healthy and the next day he’s gone. Whoever has done anything should be punished severely because we are talking about five children. What was the other children’s fault?” he says agitatedly.
Asked who photographed Panagiotakis dead in the coffin, he was upset and demanded to know who dared to do this.
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