Dramatic moments unfolded Wednesday night on a television show dealing with the case of Ireni Mourtzoukou and the death of the children in Amaliadaas the mother of the 24-year-old said on air that “yes, I believe that my daughter killed the children”. Irini’s mother added that she has proof that the girl is responsible for her sister’s death.
Meanwhile, Irene’s mother claimed that when she was pregnant with the 24-year-old’s brother, she would go and beat her up with Irene admitting that such a thing happened, saying “I did good to her.”
What was said made Irene Mourtzoukou break down and burst into tears.
The mother of Irene Mourtzoukou has admitted he abused her as a child, with the 24-year-old claiming how when she was 9 her mother’s brother raped her while she was in the same house, a claim her mother denied.
Also speaking on the same show was Irini Mourtzoukou’s best man, Katerina, who insisted that the 24-year-old killed her child, saying she had suffered a seizure again at Irene’s hands.
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