On November 26, 2024, Elli Stai attended the children’s play “Masha and the Bear: A Grand Celebration,” directed by Tamila Koulieva, accompanied by her two grandsons. Upon arriving at the theater, she posed at the entrance with her grandsons, looking particularly happy in her baby blue coat, which she paired with a black outfit and a cross-body snake skin bag. The journalist’s son, Markos Katsimis, and his wife, Faii Koutzoukou, have three sons together.
Elli Stai and Tamila Koulieva are set to collaborate in Koulieva’s upcoming theatrical production, “Top Secret” by Ivan Vyrypaev, which will be performed at the Jenny Karezi Theater. The play will star Tamila Koulieva, Marianna Kimouli, and Christos Stergioglou.
Elli Stai spoke to the camera of the “Buongiorno” show, mentioning her participation in the theater production: “It’s a play about research being conducted in the era of artificial intelligence. It’s a bit ahead of our time. When Tamila Koulieva asked if another journalist and I would participate, and I saw the script, I said ‘Why not?’ The topic concerns all the issues we face in our lives today. Two researchers question three scientists. The role of the researchers is familiar—it’s about the questions they ask. It’s something both I and Pavlos Tsimas wanted to do. We will be on the screen, not on stage.”
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