Dozens of dead or dying dolphins were stranded on a Somali beach, residents and authorities in this African Horn country said today.
According to eyewitnesses, at least 100 marine mammals were stranded yesterday, Thursday, afternoon on a beach located between Port Bosaso and Mareeko Beach in the southern Puntland region.
“The Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Fisheries are working together to urgently investigate this unusual incident,” the regional government said, promising an official report on the possible causes.
The exact number of dolphins was not confirmed, regional authorities clarified, adding that “local residents estimate that about a hundred dolphins were stranded on the shore.”
In a message posted on Facebook today, the Puntland Ministry of Environment disclosed that residents managed to rescue about 30 dolphins and put them back in the water.
“The number of dolphins stranded on the shore reaches 140 and most of them are dead, although some are still alive,” said an eyewitness, Abulahi Mousse.
“It’s a horrible incident, we have never seen anything like this before,” he added.
Other eyewitnesses reported similar numbers.
According to the environment ministry, the incident may have been caused by illegal fishing nets and water pollution.
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