Relatives, friends, and fellow students of 20-year-old Socrates, the student in Patra who died within hours of being diagnosed with meningitis, will say their final goodbye today.
As the mother of the unfortunate student said, “he had no melanoma, he had a sample that worried my daughter and the fever that had gone down” to add that her child passed away “within six hours”. “It was capital meningitis, with no signs. He had a bit of a fever, he went to hospital he was treated immediately,” he added.
“His vital organs couldn’t take it and finally they fought with his heart but they didn’t succeed,” the 20-year-old’s mother concluded.
The 20-year-old was a student in the Director of Science and Technology department at the University of Patras. On Monday morning, he went to the university for his exams, then had lunch at the university’s restaurant and collapsed at home in the evening.
A Secondary student of the 20-year-old, who was sitting next to him at the exam on Monday morning, said Socrates had informed professors that he was not feeling well and that during the exam she assumed he had a virus.
“The boy was taking a class with me in the morning, we were in the same room. We heard that he was asking for a tissue from the proctors and the teachers over there, but we didn’t pay much attention because we said okay he might have a virus and kids were coming in who might have viruses to give lessons. So nobody was surprised. He told the teachers that he felt sick, and he wasn’t feeling too well.”
According to a fellow student, who was sitting next to him in the same room, Socrates had informed his professors that he was not feeling well and that he probably had a cold or a virus: “We heard that he was asking for a tissue from the proctors and professors. We didn’t pay much attention because we were used to children with viruses coming in to take exams. He told us that he felt unwell and that he was not very well.”
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