There has been turmoil in the opposition benches in recent hours in the wake of the interview of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis regarding the Tebon, with the Syriza Progressive Alliance now appearing positive on the idea of a joint motion of no confidence, together with the New Left and PASOK.
Speaking to Ertnews last night, the SYRIZA president stressed that “I have great certainty about the necessity of a no-confidence motion,” only to clarify for his part that “it is not just a proposal by Mr. Androulakis. This proposal has also been submitted by Mr. Haritsis and I assure you that as of today I am certain that there is a need for a motion of no confidence.
On the possibility that PASOK, Syriza and New Left will join in filing a motion of no confidence, Socrates Famellos explained that “I would not create a serious problem in the debate that the progressive parties have and we have opened it in great detail since Sunday evening in order to have a common statement and to be as dynamic as possible with more deputies”, describing today as an important day in terms of the development of the agreements between them.
The 3 reasons for impeachment
Although the initiative to file a motion of impeachment against the government was the first to formulate the motion, PASOK President Nikos Androulakis, however, SYRIZA executives did not overlook the necessity of lining up with the request, without meaning that they fully identify with the intentions of Harilaou Trikoupis as to the timing of its submission. This is because PASOK placed the relevant initiative with the completion of the findings when first-ranking executives of Koumoundourou observed that the motion of no-confidence should be filed immediately, as there are already elements that create the necessary legal basis.
In this direction, Mr. Famellos indirectly listed the reasons that could cause the above development on his part, which are:
- – The existence of an “organised cover-up plan”
- – The bungling
- – The transportation of combustible materials
However, before the relevant decisions on the final time for the filing of the motion of no-confidence, Socrates Famellos put the first asterisk by insisting yesterday on holding a debate before the agenda in the Parliament, saying that “we cannot wait. Greek society cannot wait. I feel that Mr Mitsotakis will wait for the conclusion. But after his interview yesterday, the pre-agenda debate is immediately required,” he said.
Especially when the SYRIZA president spoke of an “organized plan to cover up” the Tempi case, underlining about the interview of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis that it “locked” the possibility that had been discussed since last Sunday, as reported by, that is, that there should be a joint step by the three political parties (PASOK, SYRIZA, New Left), to escalate the pressure on the government camp.
Earlier yesterday, the president of New Left, Alexis Haritsis, told Action24 that “the opposition forces must listen to public sentiment and must align themselves with the mobilizations of the people, who took to the streets without party orders.” to conclude that “the forces of the democratic opposition must acquire a common pace, unite their forces and proceed together to the next steps, which obviously must lead to the motion of no confidence”.
The same perception is shared, moreover, outside the New Left, by MEPs of PASOK and SYRIZA, as in the last twenty-four hours communications between them have intensified sharply, assessing the flurry of developments and the content of the interview of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, whom they characterize as “embarrassed and pressured” based on his television image.
The levels of understanding, moreover, between top Syriza, PASOK, and New Left leaders have been enhanced by meeting on the same panels at events and… book presentations in recent times, but primarily by the poll numbers. All the more so, when Koumoundourou is located in the second orbit of the parliamentary parties, in which it now occupies the fourth or fifth place. Indicatively, in MRB’s measurement, ND is leading with 27.9%, followed by PASOK with 16.4%, Hellenic Solution with 9.5% and KKE with 9.4%, followed by Voice of Logic of Afroditi Latinoopoulou with 8%, Eleftherias Eleftherias under Zoe Konstantopoulou with 7.4% and the Movement for Democracy of Stefanos Kasselakis with 4%.
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