Alexander Van Der Bellen, the ex-socialist and Green party member who became an independent and was recently elected as the new Austrian President, says every woman in his country will soon be asked to wear headscarves.
“It’s the right of every woman to dress how she wants, this is my opinion on this matter”, he claims in the clip.
Bellen then starts to talk about headscarves and “Islamophobia” before coming to the conclusion that “because of this indeed spreading Islamophobia, will come the day when we have to ask every woman to wear a headscarf”!
He then says “every” again to signify that actually, contradictory to his first comment, women won’t be allowed to wear what they want in his country.
The reason the Austrian President gave for this drastic measure was “because of solidarity to all those who do it due to religious reasons”.
However, it is not the only time we have heard these nonesense. (see CNN Asks Americans to Support Muslims… By Wearing Hijabs and German Commercial Encourages Women to be ‘Tolerant’… By Wearing Hijabs).
See the Austrian President’s stunning statement below: