The chairman of the Committee on International Relations of the US Senate, Robert Menendez unleashed a scolding attack against Turkey in front of the US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, concluding that Turkey did not deserve to buy the F-16 jets from the US.
In 90 seconds Menendez “undressed” Turkey, without naming it, ending with a question to Mr. Blinken “how do you characterize such a country?”. When the US Secretary of State replied “a challenging ally”, Robert Menendez responded: “…I call the country Turkey. And the reality is that I don’t believe that such a country…deserves to have F-16s sold to it”
The full exchange:
“What do you call a country:
That violates another country’s airspace and territorial waters without provocation?
Drills in another country’s Exclusive Economic Zone?
Buys Russian military equipment in violation of U.S. law?
That has more lawyers and journalists in jail than almost any other country and jails it main political opponent right before elections?
That seeks by force to block the rights of an EU country to explore its energy deposits off its outer continental shelf?
Has not only NOT joined EU led sanctions against Russia but HAS exported roughly $800 million worth of goods to Russia?
That continues airstrikes in Iraq and Syria including against U.S. partners like the Syrian Democratic forces?
That stopped the critical enlargement of NATO?
That continues to occupy an EU country with 40,000 troops and in violation of UN Security Council Resolutions seeks to open up an area that has been frozen by the United Nations?
That denies religious freedom to the religious leader of millions citizens of Greek Orthodox faith?
That converts a church into a mosque in violation of its UNESCO commitments?
That arrests and jails US Embassy locally employed staff?
…I call the country Turkey. And the reality is that I don’t believe that such a country…deserves to have F-16s sold to it.”
ICYMI: @SenatorMenendez to @SecBlinken:
“What do you call a country:
That violates another country’s airspace and territorial waters without provocation?
Drills in another country’s Exclusive Economic Zone?
— HellenicLeaders (@HellenicLeaders) March 22, 2023
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