The grandson of the commander of Auschwitz has created a thought provoking video, as part of a campaign run by the Social Democratic Youth of Sweden (SSU), named “Never forget. To vote.” The SSU runs the campaign on the belief that the best way to stop the spread of far-right extremism across Europe is by speaking through the ballot box.
“My name is Rainer Hess. My grandfather was Rudolph Hess, the Nazi commandant of the Auschwitz extermination camp. My history taught me that Democracy, Equality and Human Rights never can be taken for granted. Never forget. To vote.”
This is the message of Rainer Hess, grandson of Rudolf Hess, the commander of Auschwitz concentration camp who was responsible for the tragic deaths of thousands of people.
In the video he made in view of the European elections he says : ” I know more than most people about the desire to forget. There have been times when I’ve wanted to deny my past, pretend I was someone else. But we must never forget our past, no matter how much it hurts. Because when we forget, history will repeat itself. I feat that this is happening right now. All over Europe, far-right political parties are gaining ground. And if we do nothing, we have learned nothing. My name is Reiner Hess. My grandfather was Rudolph Hess, the Nazi commandant of the Auschwitz extermination camp. My history taught me that Democracy, Equality and Human Rights never can be taken for granted. Never forget. To vote.”
Watch the video:
See the official site of the campaign here.
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