“Evros is not the edge of Greece. It is the beginning of Greece and Europe,” said the Minister of Rural Development and Food Kostas Tsiaras, at the one-day conference entitled “National Strategy for Regional and Local Development”, which was chaired by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Orestiada.
Mr. Tsiaras presented the projects, poles and actions developed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, for the strengthening of the primary sector.
Specifically for the region of Northern Evros, Mr. Tsiaras announced two additional programs, e-farming and agro-innovation, where through vouchers, interested farmers will be able to be subsidized with 1,000 euros each. The aim is to familiarise the professional farmers of the beneficiary fire-affected areas of Central and Northern Evros with information technology, the digital economy and innovative agricultural practices.
Responding to a request from the local community and the Region, Mr. Tsiaras announced that next week ELGO DIMITRA and the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace will sign a memorandum of cooperation for the recruitment of three additional veterinarians in the region.
The actions presented by the Minister of Rural Development and Food is as follows:
Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014-2022
Improvement Plans, Processing, and marketing of agricultural products, Young farmers, Support for agriculture, environment, and climate, Advisory services, Quality systems as well as actions such as: Cooperation actions, Knowledge transfer, and information actions, LEADER/CLLD
Communication, transfer of knowledge, transfer of know-how, transfer of information, transfer of know-how, LEADER/CLIS and LEADER/CADD programs.
248,000 euros have been allocated for this purpose.
– For the measure Organic Agriculture and Livestock => €85.5 million and 3,952 beneficiaries
– Compensatory allowance (support for farmers in less favored areas) => €72.2 million and 14,832 beneficiaries
– Business start-up for young farmers => €25 million and 932 beneficiaries
– Support for the adoption of new practices and technologies => €41.5 million and 501 beneficiaries
– Implementation of CLLD/LEADER local development strategy actions => €16.2 million and 122 beneficiaries
Private investments financed by the CDF
Green rural tourism
Modernization of the primary sector
Innovation and green transition in the processing of agricultural products in Evros
In the Evros region:
a) 16 investment projects are being implemented, with an estimated public expenditure of € 9.8 million
b) 4 investment projects, with an estimated public expenditure of € 9 million, are in the evaluation stage
Improvement works
1. Replacement and undergrounding of irrigation networks of the Erythropotamos TOEB
Budget: €9.5 million
The project concerns the improvement and modernization of the irrigation network of the TOEB Erythropotamos within the boundaries of the Municipality of Didymoteicho.
The Erythropotamos farm has an area of approximately 35,000 acres in total irrigated by 70 boreholes scattered over this area. The length of the existing network is estimated at 135 km. The irrigation water is generally pumped by electric turbine pumps, while submersible pumps are also found in isolated cases. The existing network, consisting of closed surface pipelines, has been in operation for thirty (30) years and the frequency of failures, mainly due to corrosion, is increasing geometrically. The cost of localized repair combined with the high leakage rates makes the operation of the network uneconomic. Consequently, it is necessary to replace the existing network with a new underground network of third-generation polyethylene pipes.
The Contract with the Contractor was signed in December 2022.
Implementation progress: execution of works
Progress of works in progress: completion of works.
2. Energy upgrading – modernization of irrigation facilities of GOV Orestiada
Progress of the project: progress of the implementation of the project.
Budget: €2.2 million
Upgrading of infrastructure and remote control of part of the irrigation facilities managed by the Organization with the creation of a Central Control System (CCS) of integrated management for the optimal operation of the irrigation system with the maximum utilization of water potential and reduction of losses, while with the correct handling of the operation of the pumps, there will be an additional benefit in the drastic reduction of operating costs.
Implementation progress: execution of works
Estimated completion: 31/12/2025
3. Undergrounding of the irrigation network in the area of Kato Limnes of TOEB Fera – Peplou
Budget: €2.2 million
February 5.1.1.
2.2 million
The project concerns the extension and modernization of the existing closed underground irrigation network of the TOEB Fera-Peplou in the location of Kato Limnes and includes both the improvement of the existing infrastructure and its extension to increase the irrigated area (complete replacement of the water intake hydrants and replacement of part of the main pipeline). Still, the new network has control and discharge valves, check valves in typical positions, air intakes, manholes for hydraulic devices, and anchorage bodies for the pipelines.
Progress of implementation: execution of works
Progress of works in progress: completion of construction works
Estimated completion: 31/12/2025
Completion date: 31.12.2011
Progress of construction: 31.12.2013
Rural Roads
1. Municipality of Orestiada: completion of a section of rural road connecting the community of Pentalofos Orestiada with the old settlement of Baras Evros – 748.000,00 €
2. Municipality of Soufli: Improvement of rural roads of selected parabolic sections within land reclamation areas in the Municipality of Soufli – Section to the biological purification of Evros – 500.000,00 €
Fires 2023
Advances for the loss of plant capital, through the State Relief:
For losses to plant capital crops, mainly oil crops, were paid :
To 582 producers in the Evros region, approximately € 7.419.177,50 and
To 90 producers in the Rhodope Region 358.400 €.
To 90 producers in the Rhodope Region 358.400 €.
Total: € 7,777,577.50
Following actions
By the current legislation, the remaining 50% of the settlement of the findings for the loss of plant capital is expected to be paid, following submission of the ELGA file and approval by the Governmental State Relief Committee.
The timetable is as follows:
i. Finalisation of the findings of the ELGA. The process has been completed.
ii. Issuance of the relevant EIS for the 2023 Fires, initiated by the political leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance, and State Relief, and its implementation by EL.G.A.
iii. Compilation of the relevant file with the entry of the findings in the information systems of EL.G.A.
iv. Submission, around the end of December 2024, of the aforementioned file, with its relevant costing, to the Governmental State Aid Committee for approval of the required capital for the settlement of the findings.
v. Approval of the required expenditure by the Ministry of Finance and the MoF and subsequent payment to the beneficiaries.
Losses of animal capital, losses covered by insurance from the EL.G.A.
According to the Regulation of EL.G.A., livestock losses were allocated to pay the farmers a total of 306.312 € and in particular to 77 farmers of Evros, 261.488 € and 16 farmers of Rodopi, 44.824 €.
Furthermore, a total of 44.448,824.8 million
Subsidies to livestock farmers
Significant aid will be given to farmers whose animals were affected by plague and smallpox.
A new EIS is issued, according to which the amount of compensation per animal killed during the small ruminant plague and sheep pox is revised
According to the new decision the per capita compensation in the maximum category for female animals, from €150, is increased to €250 and to €500 for males. At the same time, there will also be a programme of aid for farmers to replace animals killed free of charge.
SA CAP 2023-2027
The Strategic Plan of the CAP 2023-2027 (SP-CAP) is the main tool for the development of Greek agriculture and with the main objective of addressing the economic, environmental and climate challenges faced by producers.
Key components of the SA-CAP:
α) Direct Payments (decoupled and coupled payments, eco-schemes),
b) Sectoral Programmes (honey, wine, fruit and vegetables, olive oil – edible olives),
c) Rural Development (pro-environmental actions, support to areas with natural and other specific handicaps, public and private productive and non-productive investments, establishment of new farmers, cooperation, training, and advisory support to producers).
In this context, the aim is to:
To ensure a fair agricultural income by reducing the unequal distribution of direct payments
To improve the competitiveness of the agri-food sector by increasing the added value resulting from the combined increase in incomes
The reduction of production costs through the use of new technologies
Budget for the programming period 2023-2027: approximately 14 billion euros at the level of the Territory
Program for “Fisheries, Aquaculture & Sea” (PALYTH) 2021-2027
Implementation of local development strategies initiated by local communities to strengthen local community economies social cohesion, and culture, improve quality of life, and achieve good environmental status in fisheries and aquaculture areas.
Budget. 5.4 million euros for the region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
5.4 million euros for the region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
5.4 million euros for the region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace.
Funding for the region of Macedonia and the Baltic Sea
The implementation of the local development strategies under the PALYTH is carried out by the Local Action Groups (LAGs) and concerns the implementation of public and private investments related to the fisheries and blue growth sector. The budget covers the whole of the approved area (fishing zone) which includes municipalities from all the Regional Units that make it up.
Development of greenhouse crops
(a) to increase production
b) energy saving of 30%.
c) reduction of water consumption.
d) creation of new jobs.
e) environmental protection – saving natural resources
Budget: €600 million, 50% CSF cap, 35% bank lending, 15% equity
Reference period: CSF Cap 2023-2027
Beneficiaries: natural and legal persons, agricultural cooperatives
Utilisation of Idle Land
Ministry of Rural Development’s inert land exchange and counterpart scheme
The current situation is as follows:
The Settlement File (estimated – mainly unused after expropriations) includes:
Forests: 2.448 million acres
Grasslands, grasslands & heaths: 7.335 million acres
Fields, orchards, other: 1,799 million hectares
The aim is to utilize idle lands of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry for agricultural use for development and social purposes.
Beneficiaries: mainly young farmers and peasants
Next steps:
– Modernization of the institutional framework for the management of the Ministry’s real estate
– Clarification of responsibilities for the management and protection of these lands
Settlement of “red loans”
Red loans amount to a total of €3.8 billion. The burdens correspond to 26,000 properties (worth €1.5 billion), 750 cooperatives and 21,000 farmers.
Target is:
1. Supporting cooperative schemes
2. Supporting sustainable cooperatives
3. Direct access to new bank financing solutions
4. Attracting capital to the primary sector
5. Sustainable agricultural loan arrangements
In cooperation with ETHEA there will be:
– New Arrangement/Compromise Repayment Framework with significant debt write-offs on the basis of the accounting balance.
– Combined solution on old claims (debt write-off solutions) with simultaneous new bank financing.
– Promotion of synergies between viable Cooperatives.
– Immediate utilization of real estate and leasing thereof in order to increase cash flow.
– Promote Mergers – Spin-offs and generally Corporate Transformations of non-viable companies.
– Additional tools include linking the Plan to innovative banking programs such as contract cards and special purpose working capital.
Beneficiaries: Cooperatives, farmers
Companies: cooperatives, farmers, farmers, cooperatives, farmers, cooperatives.
Next steps:
– Modernization of the institutional framework for the management of the Ministry’s real estate
– Clarification of responsibilities for the management and protection of these lands Resolution of pending issues related to ownership issues and land use change
– Removal of bureaucratic obstacles to the creation or transfer of rights in rem in private land
– Establishment of a Working Group in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Governance for a complete mapping of available land.
Excise duty on agricultural oil
The refund of the excise duty (excise tax) was abolished in 2016. In the last three years, the ND government has refunded 50% of the VAT, i.e. more than 250 million euros.
It is planned for the year 2025 and onwards (a similar regulation is in force until 31 December 2024):
– the application of a zero rate of excise duty for diesel fuel (DIESEL) used exclusively in agriculture
– the refund of the said VAT is inalienable and unattachable in the hands of the State or third parties and not subject to any reservation or set-off.
The objective is to reduce the cost of production by establishing a permanent mechanism for the refund of the VAT.
Beneficiaries: 298,000 professional farmers
Progress in implementation: adoption of a Decree after consultation with the Greek National Tourism Organisation and other social bodies.
Strengthening the primary sector
– Rural Networking Evros (e-farming) | Soufli, Didymoteicho, Orestiada
Programme aimed at familiarising professional farmers of the beneficiary fire-affected areas of Central and Northern Evros with information technology and the digital economy. Granting of a €1 000 voucher for the purchase of IT equipment, software and free internet connection for one year. Participation in training programmes.
Beneficiaries: ~ 3,000 farmers, stockbreeders, beekeepers
Farmers’ workers, including farmers and farmers’ cooperatives.
Budget: €3,300,000
– Agro-innovation of Evros (agro-innovation) | Soufli, Didymoteicho, Orestiada
Programme aiming to familiarize professional farmers of the beneficiary fire-affected areas of Central and Northern Evros with modern and innovative agricultural practices, both for plant and livestock. A grant of €1,000 for participation in informative two-day seminars and specialised fast-track seminars on the modern needs and the necessary adaptation of agricultural production.
Beneficiaries: ~ 3,000 farmers, stockbreeders, beekeepers
Farmers’ associations
Budget: € 3.300.000
– CIP 2014-2022
– 24,336 beneficiaries, with a total budget of €370 million.
– 248 million € have been paid out- Private investments financed by TAF
– Under evaluation and implementation: 20 investment projects, with an estimated public expenditure of 18.8 million
In the process of implementation of the project, 18.8 million
of which 18.8 million is expected to be invested in the development of the project.
– Improvement projects
– Replacement and undergrounding of irrigation networks of the Erythropotamos TEV (flagship project) : € 9.5 million in the implementation phase
– Small land reclamation and rural roads: €5.6 million
– Fires 2023
5.5 million
– Advances for losses of plant capital: €7.4 million to 582 producers
– Livestock compensation: €261,000 to 77 farmers 261 livestock losses to 77 farmers in 77 livestock units.
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