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> Search results for: LE PEN

showing 32592 results

> Search results for: LE PEN

showing 32592 results

France: Euro rises after Le Pen wins first round of elections

The rise in the euro caused the dollar to fall slightly

French Elections: “Le Pen’s far-right at the gates of power” – What to expect in the second round

"Calling early elections was a mistake," says Macron's party. In the second round, turnout is expected to break all records

French Elections: Exit polls show Le Pen leading with 33-34%

A key question is whether a majority will be achieved and what alliances will be needed

Critical Elections in France: One in three voters expected to vote Le Pen

Polls indicate particularly high turnout – Macron's party is expected to record less than 20% – The 2nd round will take place next Sunday

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