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> Search results for: TURKISH CYPRIOT

showing 708 results

> Search results for: TURKISH CYPRIOT

showing 708 results

Ersin Tatar: Without common ground, no meaning to begin negotiations on the Cyprus Issue – Monologue by the Turkish Cypriot leader during his meeting with the UN Secretary-General

He appeared unyielding setting sovereignty equality and equal international status as a precondition for negotiations

New video from the dead zone in Cyprus: Turkish Cypriots attack UN members with kicks & punches (video)

Greek Cypriots perceive the road construction as a move with a military purpose - UN peacekeepers are tasked with monitoring the buffer zone to prevent clashes

Cyprus: Turkish Cypriots attack UN peacekeepers on the Green Line (video) (Upd.)

Greek Foreign Ministry condemns the attacks - "Attempting to create achievements within the dead zone is a flagrant violation of the status quo"

Turkish Cypriot leader warns Cyprus is facing permanent partition

If this failed to happen, he said the north would grow increasingly dependent on Ankara

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