
Jun 2024
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> Search results for: ARCHAEOLOGISTS

showing 754 results

> Search results for: ARCHAEOLOGISTS

showing 754 results

Pompeii: Archaeologists discover rare blue room with frescoes of female figures (video-photos)

According to Italy's Ministry of Culture, the room could be interpreted as a sacristy or a space dedicated to ritual activities and the preservation of sacred objects

Plato: Italian researchers found his tomb in Athens through papyri – What the president of the Greek Archaeologists has to say

The fact that Plato's tomb was located in the Academy is not unknown to archaeologists says Dr. Kostas Paschalidis

Archaeologists just discovered an ancient Greek temple filled with gold & jewels

The 2,700-year-old temple still houses valuables

Archaeologists found a mind-blowing cluster of ancient lost civilizations

Whatever people occupied this area, they likely thrived from around 500 BC until somewhere between 300 and 600 AD

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