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> Search results for: RUSSIA

showing 5735 results

> Search results for: RUSSIA

showing 5735 results

Putin says that Russia will resume the production of medium-range missiles

"The US not only produces these missiles but is already transporting them to Europe for exercises in Denmark"

Russia: The moment 20-year-old woman was swept away by waves on a beach in Sochi – They haven’t found her

Although the beach was closed due to bad weather, the missing girl was found there with a boy

Russia: Dead judge who had convicted opponents of the Kremlin – She too fell from a balcony

According to Russian media reports, she had fallen victim to fraud and had been persuaded to take a large sum of money from her account

European elections: Greece targeted by Russia for misinformation and fake news in the run-up to the European elections

After fears of sabotage and sabotage attacks, experts issue warnings to voters - What the European Monitoring Centre for Misinformation has identified for Greece

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