Rome: The bomb at Fiumiccino airport has been neutralized

According to preliminary information a passenger approached the cockpit and claimed to have a bomb in his suitcase

Panic prevailed at the Fiumiccino airport in Rome after a bomb threat.

According to preliminary information, a passenger approached the cockpit and claimed to have a bomb inside his suitcase.

The aircraft was evacuated and thoroughly searched by the authorities, while the passenger, of Slovenian origin was immediately detained and interrogated.

Earlier preliminary information shows that the airport received a phone call for a bomb on a flight to Vienna. The Fiumiccino airport in Rome wasted no time in evacuating its staff and passengers.

The information refers to a bomb that was placed in the aircraft that was about depart for Vienna.

According to the newspaper “Il Messaggero”, the aircraft belongs to the company “Niki”, which was about to take off.

Flight delays ensued.