
Jun 2024
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> All the News

New fire in Alexandroupolis – Strong firefighting forces are operating

It is burning forested area - Residences are not threatened

Anouk Aimée: The French Actress Passes Away at 92

Throughout her illustrious career, she starred in over 70 films, including Federico Fellini's "La Dolce Vita" and the iconic "A Man and a Woman" by Claude Lelouch

ELSTAT: 22.4% increase in the number of visitors to Greece’s museums in February

In the first two months there was an increase of 11.8% compared to the same period in 2023

PASOK: Firm Party Response to Androulakis’ Threats of Expulsions

A joint meeting of the Political Council and Parliamentary Group is scheduled for tomorrow. Intervention by Doukas and Papandreou for a progressive front