ANEL vs. ANEL: Junior coalition party internal friction over Referendum

Division within the ranks of the right-wing anti-austerity ANEL party

The Greek referendum set for July 5 has not only divided a nation, it has also caused a rift within the ranks of the right-wing anti-austerity Independent Greeks (ANEL), a junior coalition member of the Greek government. Four of the total of 13 members of the parliamentary group expressed support for a ‘Yes’ vote in the referendum causing friction within the party.

ANEL leader Panos Kammenos ejected Costas Damavolitis from the parliamentary group, giving his seat to Grigoris Makaronas, the runner-up in the constituency for Heraklion, Crete. Vasilis Kokkalis, Nikos Mavraganis and Dimitris Kammenos were the other three party members who expressed the view that people should vote ‘Yes’ to international creditors austerity measures in the referendum.

“We have war and we are not making any concessions,” said Kammenos when asked about the division within his party. “Whoever can’t handle war should leave.”

His war analogy was followed up by a statement concerning the “armed forces ensuring internal security” in an interview with the state broadcaster ERT.

There is speculation that the relationship between Kammenos and the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) government is hampered as the two sides do not see eye to eye on a number of issues. Kammenos reportedly threatened to resign in the case that Tsipras agrees to creditors’ demands for cutbacks to Greece’s 200 mln euro defense budget.