Bakoyanni : ND must make leadership change

Bakoyanni, the mayor of Athens during the 2004 Olympic Games, further stressed that the conservative party needs new cadres and that time is running out to effect change at the top

Top New Democracy cadre and former minister Dora Bakoyanni reiterated on Sunday that the main opposition party must change leadership, a direct criticism of current ND president and previous PM Antonis Samaras.

Speaking during a television program, she said “New Democracy must be re-created from scratch, and re-founded on all levels”.

Bakoyanni, who was the mayor of Athens during the Olympic Games of 2004, further stressed that the conservative party needs new cadres and that time is running out to effect change at the top.

Turning to the radical leftist SYRIZA government, she said “the Greek nation gave a majority to SYRIZA because the party appeared sincere over its intentions to hold tough negotiations with creditors, but without jeopardizing the country’s membership in the common currency.

The government must move forward, negotiate and bring forth an honorable compromise in Parliament,” she said, adding that it should now avoid mere communications ploys.

In an unrelated development, Bakoyanni said she has learned that Russia will soon lift an embargo against the import of agricultural products from Greece — a decision taken against all EU products in retaliation for measures slapped on Russia for its policy in the Ukraine.