Bulgaria sends army to borders with Turkey to stem refugee ‘tide’

More refugees amass at city of Andrianopolis redady to enter Greece

Bulgaria has decided to deploy military personnel to its borders with Turkey in an effort to stem the flow of incoming refugees and migrants into the country. The plan provides for the movement of approximately 1,000 soldiers to the Bulgarian-Turkish border line. The decision was reached following the attempt of 660 refugees to enter Bulgarian territory over the past week alone. The Bulgarian authorities have already beefed up border security with 1,000 police officers but judged boosting manpower on the borders was necessary after the explosion of migrant flows. Bulgaria has an ongoing operation monitoring its 30klm borders with Turkey to prevent the entry of refugees and migrants. Meanwhile, the number of refugees and migrants gathering on the north-west borders of Turkey with the Greece at the city of Andrianopolis is increasing by the day. Bulgaria is not a member of the Schengen Treaty agreement and is not compelled to allow the free passage of 3rd country nationals through its territory.