Concerns over European football competitions after Greek Football Cup called off

Hellenic Football Federation has already informed UEFA aiming to put pressure on the political leadership to change its decision

Deputy Minister for Sports, Stavros Kontonis, called off the Greek Football Cup for the 2016 period on Thursday, after a semifinal match was stopped due to fan violence.

Mr. Kontonis citing numerous violent incidents that have plagued recent matches between football clubs, said: “Imposing the law is justified in cases where legal rights are jeopardized like social peace, which are unquestionably superior to other interests which may be affected, economic or athletic (i.e. losing match tickets or participation in European matches).”

The Hellenic Football Federation , though, has already informed UEFA aiming to put pressure on the political leadership to change its decision, since there are fears that Greek teams will not be able to participate in the European football competitions.