Greek authorities announced today 1261 new cases of the new coronavirus, of which 18 were detected after checks at the entrance gates of the country.
The total number of cases is 158716, of which 52.0% are men. During the tracking it was found that 5988 (3.8%) are considered related to travel from abroad and 49885 (63.9%) are related to an already known case.
244 people are treated by intubation. Their median age is 70 years. 178 (73.0%) of the intubated are men, 86.5% of intubated patients have an underlying disease or are aged 70 years and older.
1131 patients have been discharged from the ICU since the beginning of the pandemic.
There were 22 new deaths from COVID-19, reaching 5851 deaths in total in the country, of which 3437 (58.7%) men. Their median age was 79 years and 95.5% had some underlying disease and/or age 70 years and over.
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