How old is the Tarot?
This is a question that seems easy to answer today.
As playing cards, we can confidently map the Tarot to the early 15th century.
Mystery solved? Well, it’s not quite that simple.
The Tarot deck consists of two parts: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana, and it is within the Major Arcana where a much more ancient symbolism may lie.
For many, the occult tradition of the Major Arcana originates from the work of a Swiss Freemason, Antoine Court de Gébelin, who believed that the symbols could be traced back to ancient Egypt , and they contained Kabbalistic wisdom.
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Following on from de Gébelin, esotericists like Jean-Baptiste Alliette and Eliphas Lévi wrote about the cards’ hidden meanings and potential for divination.
It wasn’t long before the prime use of the Tarot transformed from card games to becoming a way to see the future and reveal secret knowledge accessible to the seeker through the deciphering of the card’s arcane symbols.
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