Die Presse: Greeks prefer Tsipras over the old and unsuccessful party elite

For the first time a party which signed a memorandum won the elections, the newspaper reports

The Austrian newspaper Die Presse published an article on the recent political developments occurred in Greece a few days after the elections titled “Why Greeks still want Tsipras”.

“The people, despite the shift in economic crisis, remain faithful to Alexis Tsipras, because they prefer him over the failed elite” notes Die Presse adding that Tsipras’ “victory confirmed the slogan that Alexis Tsipras is still the symbol for the New in Greek politics, which will get over with the old elites that led the country in economic disaster”.

The article also refers to Martin Schulz’s intervention on Tsipras’ choice to form a government with Independent Greeks party, which, as it is noted, they proved to be the most reliable supporter of the government. Therefore, Prime Minister had no reason at all to change that form, Die Presse reported.

Moreover, the article stresses the fact that for the first time a party which signed a memorandum won the elections and people who had voted for Tsipras in January’s elections voted again for him.