Dmitry Kiselyov: Europe ‘slammed’ the door on him, Greece takes him on as a partner

ANA collaborates with accused racist and homophobic

One of Russia’s staunchest Putin supporters is Dmitry Kiselyov. The man that the EU has blacklisted as ‘persona non grata’ has been accused of being a homophobic and a racist and is a fanatic anti-European proponent. Kiselyov, whom Vladimir Putin placed as head of the Russian news organisations ‘Rossiya Segodbya’ and ‘Sputnik News’, two mouthpieces of for the Russian President, has entered into a partnership with Greece’s own Athens News Agency (ANA) for a year now! The head of ANA, Michalis Psylos considers Dmitry a close friend and the state owned ANA has signed a collaboration with ‘Rossiya Segodbya’ for the exchange of information! The Putin propagandist is infamous for his vehement anti-US, anti-EU and anti-gay propaganda and has been dubbed an undesirable person by the EU officially since July 29 2014, cutting him off from any financial, business or commercial activities, as well as having his assets frozen on EU soil. The General Director of ANA, Michalis Psylos calls Kiselyov a friend and says he is proud proud because they dreamt together and pressed forward by establishing radio shows and other entertainment programs. As Psylos says the goal of the collaboration is to exchange news between Greece and Russia without the intervention of third parties. ‘Russia is the only country in the world that can lay the US to waste’, is one of his infamous quotes that follows Kiselyov. These ‘progressive’ ideas could be contagious and might infect his ‘friends’.