Drugs and prostitution have increased Spain’s Domestic Gross Product by 10 billion euro

National Institute of Statistics released new revised statistics that show that In 2010 drug trafficking and prostitution in Spain have increased the country’s Gross Domestic Product by almost 10 billion euro

2010 was the only year that the National Institute of Statistics agreed to release the exact percentages ” exceptionally” , while it was estimated that illegal activities accounted for 0.87% of GDP, at 9.4 billion euro .

Of these figures, prostitution contributed an estimated 0.35% of the economic activity in the country which adds up to 3,783 billion euro, while drug smuggling contributed a 0.5% or 5,405 billion euro.
For 2013, although there are not any available statistics, those numbers elegantly have increased by far.
However, European Union’s statistic office Eurostat, gave a deadline until the 1st of September to Member States to calculate the illegal activities that generate significant revenue (drug trafficking – prostitution).

Spain had no objections on the matter, while Italy revised its figures to 3.8% and Britain gave an estimate amount of 12.3 billion euro which is about 1% of GDP for 2013.