Eating meat promotes “toxic masculinity”, according to an article published in academic journal. The article was written by a Ph.D candidate at Pennsylvania State University and argues that consuming meat maintains a society where “hegemonic masculinity” in the norm.
Anne DeLessio-Parson, whose article was published in Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, based her research on Argentina’s “meat-centric” culture.
“I contend that in such a context, we cannot separate the ways people ‘do vegetarianism’ from how they ‘do gender,’” Anne DeLessio-Parson wrote. “Doing vegetarianism in interactions drives social change, contributing to the de-linking of meat from gender hegemony and revealing the resisting and reworking of gender in food spaces.”
DeLessio-Parson theorizes that being a vegetarian in the South American nation is a political act that contributes to the destabilization of the gender binary, or the view that there are only two sexes, masculine and feminine.
The Penn State student became interested in the topic after spending five years as a vegetarian in Argentina, where she worked as a community organizer and teacher. In an interview with Campus Reform, DeLessio-Parson said it was during her time in the country that she came to believe that vegetarianism was both a lifestyle choice and feminist act.
After being picked up by numerous far-right media outlets, DeLessio-Parson’s study was lambasted by many social media users…of both genders.
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