EKAS allowance to be abolished for 290,000 pensioners in 1.5 years

Νew stricter income criteria provide those who receive pensions of 664-766 euros per month will not qualify for the EKAS allowance

The gradual abolition of EKAS allowance started on June 1 for about 90,000 low pensioners, according to an amendment tabled in the parliament on Wednesday night. This means that the allowance will be retrospectively deducted for one month, since the goal of the government is to include any cuts in the pensions to be paid in July.

The new stricter income criteria provide that the pensioners who receive pensions of 664-766 euros per month will not qualify for the EKAS allowance.

For example, if pensioner’s income exceeds the income ceiling set, and he was receiving a 115 euros EKAS allowance, then as of June, he will experience a 1380 euros loss in his pension, ie two pensions of 668 euros each.