Elon Musk “checks” chess legend with brutal tweet over Ukraine criticism

Musk has been under fire from supporters of Ukraine including many on the American left since he tweeted a proposal for ending the Russian invasion of its western neighbor

Elon Musk took aim at chess legend Garry Kasparov, calling the Russian grandmaster an “idiot” for his criticism of Musk’s effort to promote peace in Ukraine.

Musk has been under fire from supporters of Ukraine, including many on the American left since he tweeted a proposal for ending the Russian invasion of its western neighbor. Although Musk has spent tens of millions providing Ukraine with his Starlink satellite technology during the eight-month war, critics objected to his suggestion Ukraine make concessions for peace.

“The cost is huge but Ukraine is paying this cost,” Kasparov, a fierce foe of Russian President Vladimir Putin, said on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” Monday. “So why are people sitting in the comfort of their mansions in Silicon Valley telling Ukraine how to conduct their own affairs? It’s moral idiocy and geopolitical blindness.”

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Kasparov, 59, who was born in the part of the former Soviet Union now known as Azerbaijan, reigned as world chess champion from 1985-2000. He is now chairman of the Human Rights Foundation and frequently comments on geopolitics.

Read more: Daily Wire