Greek Dep. Minister : ‘We’re well prepared for potential rift’ with eurozone

Deputy Minister of International Economic Relations comments that “technical echelons felt the measures of the memorandum as their ‘baby’” and explained that in any case, “our top priority remains payment of salaries and pensions “

Alternate Finance Minister Euclides Tsakalotos, the “Robin” to Yanis Varoufakis’ attempted “Batman”, on Friday created his own stir by claiming that the leftist SYRIZA government is “well-prepared for a rift” with eurozone creditors.

Tsakalotos, who holds the international economic relations portfolio, was quoted in a local television interview.

“If you don’t consider the option of a rift … then lenders will obviously pass the same measures as they did before … We are using ambiguity vis-a-vis the creditors because they have to know that we are prepared for a rift,” he said.