Gallup poll: Greeks least optimistic in the world!

3rd from last on ‘happiness’ index

According to a Gallup International global survey in 68 countries, Greeks were least optimistic about their economy from all the countries polled, while they were 3rd from last in terms of their general happiness. The research was conducted on 66,000 people and revealed some astonishing results as to what people perceive as ‘happiness’. Saudi Arabia, a country Amnesty International assesses as ‘severely restricting freedoms of expression, association and assembly’ polled as the 3rd happiest in the world! The country arrests and imprisons critics, oppresses and executes the Shia religious minority, and does not adequately protect women in law from discrimination and sexual violence, the Amnesty report said.
Despite condemnation from human rights groups, and being in a region torn apart by religious and regional strife, the kingdom has only been pipped to top position by Fiji (2) and Colombia (1), the latter facing serious drug-related gang wars.
The most optimistic country about economic prosperity in 2016 is Nigeria (61% net optimistic), followed by Bangladesh, China and Vietnam. In contrast, Greece is the most pessimistic (-65% net optimistic) country.
The happiness index list features almost no European country.
Iceland, which has one of the highest divorce rates and percentages of women working outside the home, was the only European country to make the top 10, sharing joint tenth position with China.
The findings suggest that either people have different perceptions of what “happiness” means, or that material wealth, ideological freedom and civil stability do not necessarily translate into personal contentedness.
China and Fiji are also two of the most hopeful nations, with China also the third most optimistic about economic prosperity. Nigerians are the most optimistic about their economy.