Google takes down a racist Chrome extension

It singled out Jewish people online by putting three sets of parentheses around their names

Google has removed a Chrome extension that it was revealed to be being used by Neo-Nazis to identify online suspected or confirmed Jews.

“Coincidence Detector” singled out Jewish people online by putting three sets of parentheses around their names.

It compiled the list of names by asking people for suggestions. If a website contained a specific name on that list, the plug-in would place parentheses around it, CNNMoney reports.

The use of triple parentheses dates back at least a year and anti-Semites and white supremacists have been using it as a symbol of their movement online.

A spokeswoman told CNNMoney that Google removed the extension as it violated the company’s hate speech policy, which doesn’t allow “content advocating against groups of people based on their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity.”
Source: CNNMoney