Government is between Troika and SYRIZA

Prime Minister prepares for the negotiations with Greece’s lenders

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras took advantage of his meeting with Portuguese Prime Minister to send a message to Greeks and abroad that Greece would not need a new package aid and that would move forward using its own power from the beginning of 2015.

This was also a reply to rumours according to which Greece might need a new package aid and a new economic program with the corresponding memorandum following the meeting in Paris and the intention of the IMF to start the negotiations for the Greek debt relief in November. For the Greek government, the major goal is to achieve its lenders’ assurance that “the Greek debt is sustainable” by the end of the year.

Within this context the government is not prepared to proceed to unilateral actions that might disrupt the relationships with the Troika and will risk the possible positive review results of the Greek program which will begin the last week of September.

At the same time, as Prime Minister clarified yesterday, the structural reform program will continue since this is the only way for the country to attract foreign investments, raise funds and improve its competitiveness winning market’s confidence.

Therefore, the government cannot do many things to restrict social discontent and reverse the negative political climate, as it was proved by the modest final improvements of ENFIA tax and tax cuts in heating oil.

The government staff now focuses on de-constructing the tactics of the main opposition party SYRIZA especially for the upcoming visit of SYRIZA’s leader Tsipras at Thessaloniki International Fair this weekend.

The government will attack SYRIZA contrasting the consistency of the government to the economic program and SYRIZA’s irresponsible behavior which makes unsubstantial promises for relief measures to Greek people.