Government spokesman speaks out against Alexis Tsipras

He blamed the opposition leader for appearing panicked before the turmoil that he had caused

Government spokeswoman Sofia Voultepsi, referring to SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras’ address to his party’s central committee said that “Mr. Tsipras appeared panicked before the turmoil he provoked with his inflammatory statements”.
Mrs. Voultepsi also noted that the main opposition leader “has hidden his inter-party contradictions regarding on whether they will proceed towards unilateral actions for debt. He played the part of lion tamer as far as the markets are concerned and once more sends the message for early elections and abolition of laws” Mrs. Voultepsi added that “he mixed up debt sustainability with the unilateral actions that he preannounced which consist a threat for the Greek economy and the country’s position in Europe, once again “…”Tsipras appeared more mixed up and contradictory than ever” she concluded.