Greece and Quartet unexpectedly close to a deal!

Labour Min Katrougalos says agreement on issues of social security contributions

Against all predictions the Greek government and its creditors have unexpectedly come very close to sealing a deal. Greek Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos and Economy Minister Giorgos Stathakis implied that the two sides had virtually agreed on all the thorny issues, while they were exiting Hilton Hotel where the meeting with the Quartet took place, Thursday. They both stated that there was convergence on all open matters like social security, the taxation system and the ‘red loans’. The only difference that remained concerned the level of the tax free threshold, which would not stand in the way of a deal. The institutions’ representatives will probably not be departing immediately for Friday’s Eurogroup in Amsterdam following the last minute developments. Labour Minister George Katrougalos said the Quartet agreed to his proposals on the ancillary pensions and the level of social security contributions, saying that the difference was only 70 million Euros for complete agreement. So far, it is unclear what the Greek government has conceded to reach the deal.