Greece saves face on near-fiasco COSCO deal

223 MPs back amended law on contract with Chinese company over OLP contract

The Greek state managed to save face on the near-fiasco COSCO deal for the Piraeus port Authority (OLP), as a day after the controversy came to light 223 deputies voted for the amended law. Following the revelations that Fishing Minister Thodoris Dritsas had tampered with an international deal for the renewal of the concession contract to Chinese company COSCO of the Piraeus Port Authority (OLP), and a ‘blame game’ between government officials on the matter, the 7 controversial amendments were rectified.

The matter put at risk the relations with China, as the Chinese Embassy had issued an official complaint to the Greek Foreign Ministry just before the Greek PM Alexis Tsipras departed for China on an official visit. The amateurish management of the matter lead the Presuident of main opposition party of New Democracy, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, to accuse the government of discrediting and disgracing Greece internationally.