The Global States of Mind survey, conducted every year by Gallup, found that Greece ranked third among the countries whose citizens hate their governments the most. The most hated government of the world is that of Boznia and Herzegovina with a government acceptance rate of just 8%, followed by Bulgaria with a 13% rate whereas only 14% of Greeks approve of their government.
Greece hate their government slightly more than Czechs (14%). They hate their government more than the residents of Pakistan, Moldova, Peru and Romania (tied at 18%). And much more than Costa Ricans, Spanish, Portuguese and Jamaicans (tied at 20%).
91% of Greeks believe that government corruption is wide-spread (2nd highest figure), whereas the unemployment rate at 27.3% (2nd highest figure). To explain why Greeks disapprove of their government so much, the Gallup explains:
“Greece had the second highest debt to GDP ratio in the world last year, at over 175%. In 2012, the country defaulted on its bonds, triggering massive losses for investors. But while both Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s recently upgraded Greece because said they see improvement in its fiscal position and economic outlook, residents have had to deal with the austerity measures that were the conditions of the country’s bailouts. Austerity measures in Greece have increased the appeal of fringe left- and right-wing political groups, both of which performed well in recent elections. This year, just 14% of Greeks approved of their leaders. Just 23% and 29% approved of the leadership of the EU and Germany, respectively, while just 19% of Greeks had confidence in financial institutions.”
From the magazine “Gordios Desmos” (Gordian Knot):
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