Greek TV co-host of popular “Radio Arvyla” surrenders to police over ‘revenge porn’ accusations

Stathis Panagiotopoulos appeared at the police station accompanied by his lawyer

A household Greek TV host and member of one of the most popular comedy shows in entertainment called “Radio Arvyla” handed himself over to Police, on Wednesday. The co-presenter of “Radio Arvyla” named Stathis Panagiotopoulos appeared at the police station accompanied by his lawyer.

Stathis Panagiotopoulos has been accused of doing ‘revenge porn’ by uploading explicit personal moments of his female partners on pornographic sites without their knowledge or consent.

The story came to light in a dramatic fashion when the main host of the show, which has some of the highest ratings on Greek television, Antonis Kanakis explained to the viewers Panagiotopoulos would no longer be part of the 4-member team after it had been revealed he had been involved in an alleged case of revenge porn. Kanakis and the other 3 members distanced themselves from the partner and long-time friend claiming they were unaware of his activities.

Until today, the accusations had not been officially recorded by any legal actions, when a young girl with whom he had an affair, claimed in a complaint that Stathis Panagiotopoulos posted two videos of their affair on pornographic sites without her knowledge, resulting in the Police seeking to arrest the former presenter of the show “Radio A”.

According to the information in the possession of, the girl who reported Stathis Panagiotopoulos provided the Greek Police officers with the links to the videos that the presenter has uploaded against her will on the internet.

The girl’s complaint concerns the violation of her personal data, an offense that is ongoing and triggers an in flagrante delicto procedure.

The arrest of Panagiotopoulos was announced earlier by the Minister of Citizen Protection, Takis Theodorikakos when he said: “The police chief informed me that the arrest of Panagiotopoulos was imminent, as a lawsuit had been filed by another girl and he is now wanted. The previous one had not filed a lawsuit. He will be arrested in two hours at the most for what he has done “.

In the morning, the lawyer of the girl that filed the lawsuit said that there are “a total of 9 videos that we know are posted on the internet” where his ex-partners are exposed on the internet without their knowledge.

“We are talking about a total of 9 videos that we know are posted on the internet,” the lawyer told Ant1 on “Good Morning Greece” after it was revealed that there is an illegal platform that steals and leaks sensitive “sensitive” information to women.