Greeks in their 30s forced to stay with parents due to crisis, shows Eurostat study (infographic)

Scandinavians most likely to leave

According a survey conducted by Eurostat, 30% of Greeks between the ages of 25 and 35 live with their parents! The findings indicate that the economic crisis has forced many Greeks in the 20s to put a hold on their dreams of leaving their parent’s homes and staring  anew life, while even more concerning is the fact that Greeks in their 30s are also forced to return to their parent’s homes due to their inability to make ends meet. Bulgarians also featured high. The figures show that 90% of Scandinavians in their 30s were more likely to abandon their parents’ homes. The survey showed that even though the dire financial state in Greece was a key factor for the large numbers of Greeks forced to stay with their parents, there was also a strong family bond that played a role.
