Greenpeace and pianist Ludovico Einaudi join their voices to save the Arctic (vid)

Einaudi performed one of his own compositions on a floating platform in the middle of the Ocean

Greenpeace has released a video to raise awareness of the plight of the Arctic – filmed on a giant piece of ice.

The organization has called on world leaders to help protect the area from the effects of global warming and it has used a video of Italian composer and pianist Ludovico Einaudi, playing on a floating piece of ice , to highlight the devastating problem.

Through his music, acclaimed Italian composer and pianist Ludovico Einaudi has added his voice to those of eight million people from across the world demanding protection for the Arctic.

Einaudi performed one of his own compositions on a floating platform in the middle of the Ocean, against the backdrop of the Wahlenbergbreen glacier (in Svalbard, Norway).

The OSPAR Commission has a mandate to protect the marine environment of the northeast Atlantic, including part of the Arctic ocean. But three countries, Norway, Denmark and Iceland, who are listening to corporate interests, are keen to stop that from happening.

