HCDCP reassures public on taking measures for MERS-CoV

The Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention (HCDCP) responded immediately to tackle the first laboratory confirmed case of MERS virus by taking all the necessary measures to monitor, prevent and control the disease

According to experts, the Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention (HCDCP) proceeded immediately with the implementation of measures to prevent and control the spreading of MERS coronavirus after the detection of a case concerning a Greek coming from Saudi Arabia.

Also, a teleconference took place at the Centre’s premises with the World Health Organisation (WHO), the European Centre for the Prevention and Control of Diseases (ECDC) and the European Commission following a relevant request by them, in the framework of the International Health Regulation (IHR), as well as the country’s European commitments.

So far, all the necessary medical tests have been carried out to all people who have come in contact with the diagnosed and hospitalised Greek.

As it was announced, the relevant authorities both in Greece and Saudi Arabia alerted and instructions have been provided to doctors, hospitals and entry points for travellers to and from Saudi Arabia.