Historian finds the first sexual Fuck

Word history

British historian Paul Booth says he has found the earliest use of the word “fuck” used in a sexual way. The word is hidden in a 1310 UK court document that listed “Roger Fuckebythenavele” in national archives. Booth, a research fellow at the UK’s Keele University, said that poor Roger was given this name to show that he lacked anatomical knowledge and “fucked via the naval”. Booth said that the name appeared on three different dates.

Up until now, the use of “fuck” with sexual connotations was believed to have been in the 16th century, according to the Oxford Dictionary. The word has Dutch roots from the word “fokken” meaning “to bet children” as well as other meanings, such as “to stroke” or “to mock”.

Other surnames inspired by fuckking are that of “Fuckebegger” in 1287 that was not believed to have sexual connotations.

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