During the early part of his political career, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, was fond of fedora hats, caps and even … short pants!
The black-and-white photographs were part of a book edition entitled “The Rise of Hitler Illustrated”, which was later banned by the Third Reich because Hitler considered the pictures as unflattering.
Vintage Everyday recently released some of the images, which were part of an early Nazi attempt at propaganda, entitled “Germany Awaken”, around 1930.
A British soldier found the photographs and kept them, with his family later releasing them to the public.
Here’s the Austrian corporal in short pants, something he later outgrew and disliked.
He thought that the photograph below made him look stupid, so it was removed, book and all.
The Nazi propaganda machine wanted children to always look at the Fuhrer in the eyes, that’s why the above photograph was later judged as unsuitable.
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