Hostage situation at cafe in downtown Sydney (photos+videos)

A very disturbing hostage siege at Sydney’s Martin Place is currently underway

A hostage situation is unfolding at the Lindt Chocolat Café at Martin Place, in Sydney’s financial district where the Reserve Bank of Australia and several other commercial banks have their main offices. A gunman entered a café and is allegedly holding its occupants. Soon after the gunman’s entry, a black flag with white Arabic writing was pinned to the window. Three people managed to flee the café after the hostage situation began.


Soon after the beginning of the incident photographs emerged showing people in the café with their hands up in the air as a sign of surrender.

Hostages-in-Lindt-cafe (1)

Neighboring blocks from the café were evacuated and closed down after the hostage situation began however the police have yet to make contact with the armed perpetrator.


The motive remains unclear. “We don’t know that this is politically motivated although there is some indications that it could be,” said Australian Prime Ministery Tony Abbott at a press conference. “We have to appreciate that even in a society such as ours, there are people who would wish to do us harm.”

Escaping hostages

Escaping hostages

Escapers-3 Escapinghostage

Lindt’s Facebook message says:  “We would like to thank everyone for their thoughts and kind support over the current situation at the Lindt Chocolate Café at Martin Place. We are deeply concerned over this serious incident and our thoughts and prayers are with the staff and customers involved and all their friends and families. The matter is being dealt with by the authorities and we are waiting for any updates from them.”


The Australian National Security Committee of Cabinet has convened for briefings on the situation and the police are on alert.

The Australian Prime Minister’s full speech:


About the flag:

The flag’s appearance immediately drew references to ISIS as the group has held similar-looking flags in their terror attacks. The flag at the Lindt Chocolate Café, however, is different from that of ISIS and is a variation of what is known as the Black Standard, the Islamic flag used by Islamic extremists. The flag has Islamic origins, dating back to the early days of Islam. The declaration on the flag translates to: “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is the messenger of God.” This declaration is not directly linked to jihad and is found on various Islamic flags, such as that of Saudi Arabia.

Tweets about the Sydney siege: