If you have these passwords you need to change them

UK’s most popular passwords revealed

Britons appear to have little regard for the security of their online accounts, based on new research of the country’s most popular passwords.

While we should really all know better, “password” itself is the top pick nationwide – and slight variations such as “password1” and “password123” are not far behind.

It overtook last year’s “123456” as the nation’s favourite chocolate teapot of website security, according to annual research by password manager company NordPass.

Other common key combinations which feature highly on the list are “qwerty” and “abc123”, while plenty of us are confident enough in our counting skills to take our passwords all the way up to “12345678”.

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Names and sports teams are also popular, with Liverpool outperforming their current Premier League ranking in the 2022 password standings.

Read more: yahoo