Institutions’ representatives will probably visit Athens on Jan 28-29

Greek government warns that any delay may have an impact on the progress of the program

Sources close to institutions point out that the representatives will not visit Athens this week and probably not next week either. The most possibly date is January 28 or 29 given the fact they will receive the information they have asked from Greece.

On the other hand, the Greek government is optimistic following the series of meetings Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos had with European officials and claims that there would be no significant delay.

The government also stands up to Greece’s lenders warning that any delay may have an impact on the progress of the program and lead to another economic crisis accusing indirectly the IMF and asking to tell Greece what they want.

However, Greece’s lenders have set prerequisites in order to begin negotiations, including a detailed list on the costs for the bill on the social security reform.