Interrogations with electric drills: Global outrage over the US

A report reveals the harsh methods used by the CIA during the interrogation of terrorism suspects in the period 2001- 2009

CIA officials used electric drills, or even broomsticks in order to force detainees to speak and reveal their plans.

Following the September the 11th of 2001, the fear had conquered the Americans and as a result the US secret services resorted to methods that do not fit the human mind reminding Guantanamo practices.

CIA threaten to use a broomstick on a prisoner accused of terrorism.


At the same time, according to Reuters , officials of the American secret services threaten to kill the leader of the terrorist attack in the American warship USS Cole in 2000 and member of Al Qaeda with an electric drill.

According to Reuters the 480 pages report which will soon see the light of publicity, is expected to describe interrogation methods in the “limits” of torture but also raises questions about their effectiveness in eliciting information about terrorism.

The report will also include detailed graphs  illustrating the inhuman tactics used by the CIA to force suspects to confess terrorism.

The publication of the report had been delayed because of disagreements about what points should remain a closely guarded secret.
