Watch out! ISIS militants infiltrate Europe posing as refugees

Plans to impose the caliphate on all the world

The British Sunday Express reports that 4,000 Islamic State militants have already penetrated Europe disguised as refugees. The Islamist terror organization has managed to infiltrate the fighters into the EU through the Turkish border with the goal of sending them further into European countries, the paper claims.

The goal of the terrorists is to impose the caliphate on the world, says a Syrian operative working for ISIS. “It’s our dream that there should be a caliphate not only in Syria but in all the world,” he said, adding that more than 4,000 ISIS gunmen have already been smuggled into western nations.

The ISIS smuggler revealed that the operation is ongoing. “Just wait,” he smiled, speaking the BuzzFeed on the condition of anonymity.

The jihadis are being smuggled through the porouos Turkish border and then head to Greece and on to the rest of the EU on a well-trodden refugee/migrant route.

The undercover mission is part of a plot to attack the West in retaliation for the US-led coalition airstrikes, the media report states.

Turkish refugee-smugglers admit to having helped ISIS members take the crossing. One smuggler said: “I’m sending some fighters who want to go and visit their families.. Others just go to Europe to be ready.”